Team Barada
At Barada, many volunteers pour their heart, soul and energy into doing their part to help the people of Syria.
DR. MARWAN KHOURYCHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD»The misery of our people is indescribable. I put my whole heart into helping my fellow Syrians, helping the needy, helping my countrymen who are facing hunger, the injured who cannot get medical treatment, and the children who cannot go to school. I cannot sit back and watch Syrians lose hope while the world looks on.« |
DR. FIRAS KHOURYBOARD MEMBER, TREASURER»Syria is my second home and I have had many great times there. I volunteer so that we can give the people a little bit of hope again in this most difficult time and amid this catastrophe.« |
DUNJA KHOURYPSYCHOLOGICAL CARE, ORPHANAGES»If my parents had not come to Germany, I would now be one of these children I have met in refugee camps in Syria. I was simply lucky to be born in Germany. That is why I want to get involved, especially for Syrian children. We can share some of our luck if we have the chance.« |
WISSAM ALSAIDIPROJECTLEADER»Barada is the aid organisation, which enables me to use my knowledge, experiences and language skills for Syria. So I got more content with my self as I was able to help Syria from Germany. You should not let down the Syrian people!« |
ANITA MüLLERSECRETARY»Where lots of little people, in lots of little places, make lots of little steps – they can change the face of the worlds. For this reason I want to help the Syrian people and especially the children to overcome their hard fate.« |
KLAUS TRöGERPROJECT LEAD – PROGRAM FOR THE INJURED»The world looks on – and I help at Barada« |
KAI VOGTMEMBER»As a German, I volunteered to help the people of Syria because I have a heartfelt desire to do something about the unfair suffering of these people... We all live on one planet and we all bleed red blood.« |